A Custom burlap table cover:
My friend and I were working one day at a show and had a real tough time dealing with the winds.
The table skirts kept sweeping up and getting stuck to the product and also would expose our supplies we had for the show that were kept under the tables. My friend had this brilliant idea of making a custom table cover. Since she doesn't sew and I do, (although I don't do it often anymore) she suggested that I try to make a custom table cover with a side panel opening to access beneath the table. I thought this was an awesome idea and gave it a go. (of course, you always have more courage when you don't know what your walking into..... lol)
Now I turned the cover right side out and here it is finished. I was very pleased with the outcome, as I have never done a custom table cover like this, and I certainly never worked with burlap before either. The one thing I also learned is that burlap comes in many different thicknesses and colors. As you can see in the photo, you can almost see through to the table legs underneath. I will be placing a tablecloth between the table and the burlap to prevent the transparency. Notes: Since burlap frays so much, I have no intentions of washing it. I will use it and try to be careful with it, as I am naturally with all my things, so that is lasts as long as possible. By the way, we used these covers at our Van Nuys show and I loved the look it gave our booth. You can see pics on my facebook page. https://www.facebook/bellaluzdesignz |